We all search for a balanced state in our lives. That which allows us to flow smoothly and with a sense of purpose through what ever it is that we do. Many of us can find moments of balance and then something happens and we find ourselves stressed, and feeling like we are pushing everything up a huge hill.
We have 3 basic systems that are always responding to our environment. They are our physical body, our mental state and our emotional system. All of these systems are working all the time, sometimes with our being aware of what is going on. When all 3 are balanced and working in a state of harmony, our life seems balanced and easy. This is the way we are meant to operate, in this balanced way. When something happens and one or more of these systems are thrown out of balance, we find ourselves struggling and in some kind of pain, be it physical, mental (stress) or emotional.
There are many things that can throw us out of balance, and what seems like a small and insignificant matter for one, may present a huge challenge for another. Some things that may affect us include overwork, unresolved issues with friends and family, change of working conditions, loss of a loved one, the change of seasons, prolonged stress at work or home. These are but a few.
Another important one I would like to mention is the cycle of the moon. I have noticed more and more how I am affected by the lunar cycle and how my energies change accordingly. As the old saying goes: “The moon moves oceans everyday, we are 90% water, how could we not be affected by it?”
There are many states of imbalance and many varying degrees. Sometimes it may only be that something feels “out of whack”, right through to a feeling of great trauma. Body Psychotherapy is a great way to help restore the balance. In a session we look at the 3 different systems - physical, emotional and mental, and use them to discover what is at the root of the imbalance. We then use the energetic system to rebalance and restore the systems to their normal healthy state.
If you would like more information, or to book an appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact me on 0402842058. I am currently practising at the Lamington St studio.
In Health and Balance,
Andrew Leitch
Body Psychotherapist
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